Our Beliefs

God, the Father

We believe that God, known by the name Jehovah, is the Creator of the universe and that He is the Righteous Judge that will require all men and women to answer for their words and actions.


We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the son of God, born of the virgin Mary, that he lived, and was crucified yet without sin.  Buried, he arose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of God, the Father and await His return for the Bride known as the Body of Christ and to establish His kingdom on the Earth.

The Church

We believe that any man or woman that believes and acknowledges Jesus as their savior and through obedience and faith accepts Jesus as savior, will be saved.  We believe the Church is the assembly of all those that faithfully express a belief in Christ by confession.  This called out group now serves the Lord Jesus by sharing His message of the Gospel through their lives and their confessions.

The Holy Bible

We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God given to mankind so that we might know God, His principles of living, and instruction in righteousness.  We believe it is to be studied, meditated upon, read, confessed, shared, and its principles applied to our daily life.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit has been given by the Father to any that will make Jesus the Lord of their life.  It is the Holy Spirit that is the guide, comforter, instructor, and power for believers to work out the salvation freely given to them by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We believe the Spirit of God provides to men and women spiritual gifts that enable us to do the work that the Father has for us to complete.  We further believe the Holy Spirit will also prepare us, the Body of Christ for the return of Jesus.


We believe that the Father will complete every promise given to Abraham and all of his descendants known today as the Jews of Israel.  We stand in support of Israel's right to exist and it's right to its Biblical inheritance.  It is our responsibility to pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem.